Like us, you desire to be a force for good in the world. You also know that the answer is making disciples for Jesus that make disciples for Jesus. But you may not have the tools to do that. Even if you’re here for your church, you have to ask yourself…
- What is my plan for making disciples?
- Is my plan working?
If you can’t answer these questions, then we have a framework to help you build a disciple making movement in your Circle of Influence to change the world for the better.
You want to build a disciple making movement so that you can see your community change for good. But you just aren't sure where to begin. Well here is some good news: you can start here! There are steps you can take to change your community for the better.
Utilizing a 2,000 year old effective strategy to help you make disciples that make disciples, we will walk along side of you until your success becomes our success. We have seen the power of discipleship. We want to equip you to become a DisicpleMaker. Ease the burden on your shoulders for making disciples by using our Circle of Influence model you will learn how...
• To lead a small group
• Launch a DisicpleMaking Movement
• To start developing other leaders
Sign up today to become a DiscipleMaker!